Welcome to the Project Birdhouse blog!

Welcome to the Project Birdhouse blog. Whether you came here because you know me or happened across one of my birdhouses, I hope you'll enjoy my project as much as I do.

I enjoy painting birdhouses in my spare time. I ran out of friends and family to give them to, so I decided to start sending them around the world as friends, coworkers and acquaintances took trips. They send me back pictures of the birdhouse in its new locale, and it gets posted to the Google Photos album and Instagram accounts linked below.

The birdhouses always make people smile and bring a touch of whimsy to their new home.

If you're traveling somewhere and want to bring a birdhouse with you (or would like one for your home), email me at ProjectBirdhouse@gmail.com, and I can send you a birdhouse to help expand the project.


Now also on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/projectbirdhouse/

Google Photo Album:

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Everglades National Park, Florida

 HM69 Nike Hercules Missile Site:

The site remains virtually the same as it was when official use of the site ended in 1979. Construction of the site by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was completed in 1965, just after the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. At the time, the nation's air defenses were positioned to protect against a possible Soviet air attack over the North Pole and thus, this and other anti-aircraft missile sites were established to protect against a possible air attack from the south. The Nike Hercules missile site was listed on the U.S. Department of the Interior Register of Historic Places on July 27, 2004 as a Historic District.

The area includes 3 missile barns, a missile assembly building, a guard dog kennel, barracks, 2 Nike Hercules missiles, and various support elements. HM69 was also significant because of the technology employed. The South Florida Nike Hercules sites were integrated with Hawk missile sites to provide an all altitude defensive capability around South Florida. 
Approximately 140 soldiers staffed the 3 above-ground missile barns of HM69 to protect against an air attack from Cuba. The personnel of HM69, along with the members of other South Florida units, received the Army Meritorious Unit Commendation which was one of the few times that it was awarded for deterrence rather than engagement with the enemy.


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